
By attending our annual conference you can:

  • Exchange ideas

  • Share your experience and build your network

  • Form friendships and partnerships

  • Grow your professional network

  • Earn P.A.C.E. continuing education credits

  • Learn from several speaker sessions and poster presentations

Our team is on a mission to provide affordable and equitable infectious disease testing to communities and labs worldwide.

The SalivaDirect protocol has made a massive impact over the past three years of the COVID-19 pandemic response. Since the last convening of our collaborators, SalivaDirect has spun out of the Yale School of Public Health into an independent non-profit. We are calling on our extensive network of collaborators – laboratories, researchers, practitioners, and others to help chart a course for the future of our collaborations in an exciting new era of independence.

On June 5th-7th, we will meet in Washington, DC, to highlight the successes, partnerships, and advances we have made through our collective pandemic response and how we have applied this new knowledge to other disease areas. This three-day event will include talks and panels featuring our laboratory network and leaders in the diagnostic world, provide opportunities for networking and collaboration, and includes an interactive brain-storm session discussing the future of SalivaDirect Inc’s work.

Conference attendees are eligible to earn P.A.C.E. continuing education credits. SalivaDirect Inc is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E. ® Program.

We look forward to seeing you!